Finding What Matters

As I was finishing up writing one of the “Love Letters from the Father,” posts (see other blog section for those) one of my ever so fluffy cats decided to grace me with her purring presence. Now mind you, she didn’t want to be pet, she was just interested in attacking my beautiful new devotionals that I am so proud of. (I have an obsession with all things pretty & aesthetic) Her cuteness was just too much so I decided to scoop her up in my arms. And boy did she not disappoint, she just felt adorable, but then came the all to expected, dreaded, wiggle. The cat wiggle that signifies you are enjoying this but I am not and I am about to dip out of here. For my non cat lovers or anyone in general who is reading this you might be thinking .. umm what is so spiritual about you holding your cat and where is all this going. I have a point I promise.

In the midst of her intense wiggling she began to reach behind me and literally try to reach for something to pull herself out of my arms. A bit dramatic if you ask me … but in the midst of that I literally had an aha moment .. this is what God feels so many times with us. He is genuinely excited to meet with us, especially in that first early part of the morning which seems to be His favorite time, but what is our response to Him? Reaching for our phones, allowing all of the flood gates for what the day brings to be opened before us. All of a sudden He is crowded out and it’s not even 10am! As my cat reached to pull herself out of my arms I got this strong feeling of what God goes through when He has that expectation and excitement to really sit down and spend time with us but we are already off reaching for something else. Like toddlers that can’t seem to stay content or focused on just one thing. Look we are all guilty of it, and I am no exception, but today I felt the Lord saying to give a reminder that He genuinely loves that time with us but so often we are trying to wiggle out of it and move onto something else.

Secondly I felt He was drawing the coorelation between doing things on our time vs when He calls us to. I don’t know if you have a cat but one thing that is characteristic of them is that things are done on their time based on their mood. They don’t tend to bend too much to what you are craving, it is more about what they want in that moment. (There are some really sweet cats out there I’m not knocking them I absolutely love kitty love). But my point being it is not enough for us to just come to God when it suits us because that still shows a sign a independence and a preference to put our schedule above His. It is not just enough to meet with Him, we must find out, “Lord what time would you like to meet?”

It hit me one day how little I had stopped to genuinely ask God His personal desires and preferences on some things and it broke my heart. When you love someone you study them, their personal preferences, etc. But the knowledge of that can only come through intimacy and close contact. We will never know everything there is to know about God this side of Heaven, or even once we get there, because He is just so vast! But how amazing that the Creator of the universe invites us by name to not only spend time with Him but to intimately get to know the details of who He is. I invite you today to slow down and make the time, put forth the effort, in a greater way than ever before to come to His side. Find His preferences and cause your will to bend to those desires vs being resistant and trying to escape into your own routine. I promise the rewards will be so worth it.



The Day When Love Broke In


Don’t Give Up Your Birthright