Welcome I am so glad you are here!
My name is Alexis and I am the founder and creator of Antha Rose Co. I grew up in the midwest in the state of Indiana. Although I grew up in a Christian home I had so many questions growing up and after going through my own fair share of trauma I ended up in a place of feeling anything but close to God. I tried my best to find Him but ended up in the world trying to find my way and fill all the voids in my wounded heart. Having dealt with depression since a young girl by the time I went to college I was on the verge of suicide. I was at a beautiful Christian college but I felt so different from everyone around me.
In the midst of the pain I kept feeling a nudge in my spirit … “Don’t give up, one day all of this will serve as a testimony of My goodness.” So I fought and made the decision to find out what could be on the other side of so much pain. It was a journey … and I won’t get into all the specifics in this section but spoiler alert He turned the whole thing around.
In the Word it says, “He who is forgiven much loves much.” (Luke 7:47) I am a testament of just how true that statement is. He truly gave me the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness and I can’t help but be in tears writing this and remembering how far He has brought me.
I don’t know what season of life you currently find yourself in but I created Antha Rose not to build a personal platform for myself but to create a space for women like you to share the testimony of God’s goodness while also realizing it is okay to ask the hard questions along the way. I felt alone in most of the beginning years of my walk with God so I decided to create a resource that I wish I had all those years ago.
How Does the Jewelry Line Fit into My Testimony?
I had never planned on starting a jewelry line but I have found sometimes we kind of fall into our purpose as we keep following the next best step in front of us. In my young 20’s I had started reselling on a popular clothing resale app. I would find designer clothes and flip them for profit. I was surprised to find I was actually good at it but what I began to notice was the love that women had for jewelry. I had always loved simple jewelry but had never dreamed of creating my own. As I continued to build my business I found myself in the midst of a divorce after only being married a short year. I was heartbroken and trying to find God’s hand in the midst of it all. My business had become the one thing I still had that gave me a sense of purpose & joy. It helped to bring me out of a dark season where I had to take time to be still and find God in the littlest moments. In that time I realized that I didn’t just love making the pieces but I had a desire to deeper connect with the women who were on the other end of receiving these pieces.
After some time of having the jewelry business I had entered into full time ministry and while in prayer I heard God tell me to shut the business down so I could better serve where He was calling me. I struggled at first with the thought of letting it go but decided if it was truly Him who gave me the dream He would bring it back at the right time. I was so glad I listened because it has ended up being the most fruitful, fulfilling, and impactful five years of my life (and still is to this day). It was in this current season that I felt God’s prompting come back. It was not through a divine vision or prophetic word, it simply came with a deep stirring and knowing that it was time to begin again. I did not have all the details up front but as I began the blueprint began to unfold and I felt His heart for women to have a place to connect while also receiving deposits of love from His heart to theirs. Thank you for being a part of my journey and allowing me to be a part in yours. With Love - Alexis
Where Did the Name Antha Rose Come From?
Over this last year I started seeing the name Rose everywhere. I did not know why but I knew it had significance. Antha was a name on my Mom’s side of the family and I had always loved it because of its elegant feel. While brainstorming one day it’s like the two words came together out of my mouth and I knew right then and there I had it.